Pick Up PA Cleanup Education

Pennsylvania’s Largest Community Improvement Program


Ready to organize a cleanup event? Below you will find useful information to review or download that will help you have a safe and successful cleanup.

Safety Reminders:

  • Be aware of private property, and get permission from landowners before going on their land.
  • Roadside litter can be dangerous. Do not open coolers, jugs, bottles and other sealed containers.
  • Make sure you wear gloves, appropriate clothing, and safety gear.
  • Report any suspicious or dangerous items to police immediately.
  • Make sure children are not left unattended near highways or water.
  • For volunteer safety, please inform your volunteers prior to your cleanup what remnants of a meth lab or a “One Pot” meth lab might contain.
  • Warmer temperatures mean the many species of snakes in PA are more active. The PA Fish and Boat has an excellent easy identification guide that even contains some great safety tips.  Download their guide here.
  • Warmer temperatures also mean more ticks in PA.  The PA Department of Health offers good info about Lyme Disease and tick prevention/removal.
  • Please remember to stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids.
  • Please also make plans for the trash disposal before your cleanup. Possibly partners could be you local PennDOT office, municipality, or depending on the amount placing the collected trash with your own refuse.

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Cleanup Resources:

Ocean Conservancy Resources: