Tools for Schools
Find tools and resources for educators and schools to help learn and teach about the effects litter has on people, animals and the environment and what you can do to keep your community clean and beautiful.
Litter Education & Resources
- Open Your Eyes to Litter and Teachers Guides – a series of five activity books, tailored to Pennsylvania, that address the difference between intentional and accidental litter, litter and waste issues from prehistoric times to present, reducing, reusing and recycling and more!
- Cleanup guidelines – ten steps to a safe and successful illegal dump cleanup.
- 10 Steps to a Waterway Cleanup – a solution to waterway pollution.
- Cleanup Education – cleanup safety, litter laws and more.
- Ocean Conservancy and National Atmospheric Administration’s Talking Trash and Taking Action – outreach and education materials about ocean trash and how to prevent it.
- US Environmental Protection Agency – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Resources for Students and Educators.
Opportunities To Get Involved
- Litter Free School Zone – school ground stewardship program for K-12.
- Litter Hawk Youth Award Program – a recognition program for students in Kindergarten through 6th Grade.
- Pick Up Pennsylvania – a year-round community cleanup and improvement program.
- Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Road & Area Adoption Program – formal adoption program for locally owned roads or areas.
- PennDOT Adopt A Highway Program – formal adoption program for state maintained roads.
- Ocean Conservancy’s 6 Week Trash Free Challenge – a fun and slightly competitive way to form new habits that will prevent trash from entering our ocean.
- PepsiCo Recycle Rally – a national recycling program for K-12 with downloadable resources.
- Litter Letter Project – a progressive public art project designed by Hatley and Associates, LLC to get residents to think about how litter affects the community and the environment.
Bonus Resources