Community Pride Award
The Community Pride Award recognizes outstanding environmental stewardship and can be awarded to individuals, schools, community organizations or civic groups that make an outstanding commitment to litter control, recycling, beautification or general environmental stewardship.
Only elected officials can nominate a constituent for a Community Pride Award. This award is open on a rolling basis.
Click here to fill out the Community Pride Award online form.
Community Pride Award Recipients
Reverend William Schafer
May 2024
Pennsylvania Representative Marla Brown, District 9, serving parts of Lawrence County, nominated Reverend William Schafer for the Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Community Pride Award for direct involvement in taking over the maintenance and upkeep of the abandoned Greenwood Cemetery that dates back to May 1, 1861, making it the country’s oldest public cemetery. The cemetery records indicate 934 veterans are buried there. American Legion Post 343 was named the official custodian of the cemetery with Post Commander, Reverend William Schafer leading the efforts. Schafer said that restoring Greenwood Cemetery to its former glory will be done in two phases. The first phase will be to mow and provide general cleanup. Phase two will be to remove fallen trees and trim or remove others that have engulfed adjacent graves. Schafer and American Legion volunteers will then regularly maintain the cemetery by mowing, trimming and performing other needed tasks.
"Rev. Bill Schafer is a selfless leader in our community who has been committed to dignifying our veterans. He has volunteered to maintain the Greenwood cemetery in a true display of why he deserves this award," said Representative Brown.
Pictured from left: PA State Rep Marla Brown and Rev. William Schafer
New Eagle Elementary School
May 2024
New Eagle Elementary School in Chester County and its students were recently honored with the Community Pride Award by Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful for its "Giving Garden," which educates students about gardening while helping combat food insecurity.
The school received the award after being nominated by State Senator Carolyn Comitta, who also honored the school with a special Senate Citation in honor of the garden’s 10 year anniversary and met with students, who as first-graders, helped launch the program
"School gardens serve as an excellent learning experience for our students," said Comitta, a former public school teacher who currently serves on the Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee and Senate Education Committee. "They help teach our children the joys of gardening and horticulture, they provide a unique way to teach the values of teamwork and patience, and they can help benefit the community with donations to local food pantries. New Eagle Elementary’s Giving Garden is an amazing example of community, and I am glad to see them recognized for their work."
Pictured: PA Senator Carolyn Comitta with student and school volunteers at New Eagle Elementary School
Newtown Square in Bloom
May 2024
PA Representative Lisa Borowski, District 168, Delaware County, nominated Newtown Square in Bloom (NSIB) for their efforts to beautify areas in the township. Newtown Square in Bloom is a volunteer organization staffed by residents of Newtown Township.
The volunteers, many of whom are members of township committees, organizations, and businesses, plant flowers and trees, maintain the trail network, clean up parks and streams on Arbor Day, weed and maintain the Drexel Lodge Park Butterfly Garden, maintain the township building rain garden and help enhance the many significant historic buildings across the township.
"Newtown Square in Bloom is an outstanding organization making a beautiful and lasting impact across Newtown Township. I am so proud of their work and happy to support their efforts," said Representative Borowski.
Pictured: Newtown Square in Bloom volunteers
Save the Schuylkill
April 2024
PA State Senator Katie Muth, District 44 and PA Representative Paul Friel, District 26, jointly nominated the new nonprofit, Save the Schuylkill, for their herculean efforts to clean the Schuylkill River and its surrounding environment over the last year. In doing so, they have enhanced the natural beauty and ecological health of the Schuylkill. The organization prioritizes educating the public about the importance of the river, advocating for policies that protect its water quality and wildlife, and organizing community events that encourage people to connect with and appreciate the river.
Pictured from left: PA Senator Katie Muth, Kate Smith, President of Save the Schuylkill and PA Representative Paul Friel, District 26.
Sheila Shea
February 2024
PA State Senator Patrick Stefano, PA Senate District 32 of Fayette County, nominated Sheila Shea for the Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Community Pride Award in recognition of her efforts to increase and expand recycling efforts throughout Fayette County. Shea is the Fayette County Recycling Coordinator, Stormwater Manager and Coordinator of Keep Fayette County Green, the local affiliate of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful. Shea joined the county in March 2017 and since then has been instrumental in expanding recycling across the county and establishing recycling pickup locations through many of the rural areas of Fayette County.
"Sheila has done an outstanding job growing Fayette County’s recycling program over the past years. It’s because of her efforts that recycling is more accessible throughout the county now than ever before," Stefano said. "Surrounding counties not only look to her as an example but ask to participate in our recycling program. Sheila is always one to go above and beyond and her accolades are well-deserved."
Pictured from left: Fayette County Commissioner Dave Lohr; Dawn Strosnider, representing state Rep. Charity Grimm-Krupa’s office; state Sen. Pat Stefano, Sheila Shea, Jim Means and Commissioners Scott Dunn and Vince Vicites.
Lynn Appman
November 2023PA State Representative Rob Mercuri nominated Lynn Appman for the Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Community Pride Award as recognition of her hard work and dedication to keeping Allegheny County clean and beautiful. He presented the award by means of a House of Representatives citation for her works with the McCandless ‘Litter Getters’ to help organize two community clean up days each year.
"She also advocates for better state policies regarding litter reduction and making our state look more beautiful. Her commitment to environmental stewardship is second to none." said PA State Rep. Rob Mercuri.
Pictured from left: Lynn Appman, PA State Rep Rob Mercuri
LuAnn Horn and Kathy Redinger
June 2023North Lebanon Township Supervisor, Ed Brensinger nominated two residents, LuAnn Horn and Kathy Redinger, for spending countless volunteer hours, on their own accord, cleaning up litter throughout Lebanon County. For several years, and on a regular basis, they have walked the Lebanon Rails Business Park and Hanford Drive year-round, picking up litter and making sure it gets disposed of properly.
"North Lebanon Township is honored to nominate and present the Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful’s Community Pride Award to LuAnn and Kathy, our 'Litter Ladies.' Their litter patrol and clean-up of high litter areas in North Lebanon Township and surrounding municipalities is greatly appreciated. We hope their voluntary act of service to the community will inspire others to do the same," said North Lebanon Township Supervisor, Ed Brensinger.
Front Row: Community Pride Award Recipients: Kathy Redinger and LuAnn Horn. Back Row: North Lebanon Township Supervisor, Ed Brensinger and North Lebanon Township Accounting Clerk/Recycling Coordinator, Bonnie Grumbine.
West Chester Business Improvement District and West Chester Green Team
April 2023PA Senator Carolyn Comitta, serving the 19th District, nominated the West Chester Green Team and the West Chester Business Improvement District (BID) for planting the "Chestnut Street Garage Pollinator Garden" along the wall of a downtown parking garage in West Chester’s Prescott Alley. With over 400 locally obtained native plants, trees and dozens of shrubs, the 1,700 square foot garden gives pedestrians a warm welcome and helps support pollinating species such as bees.
"Creating pollinator gardens not only adds character to our historic downtowns, but it also helps support the many pollinators that fertilize our plants and crops," said Comitta, who nominated the group for the award. "I am proud to recognize the West Chester Green Team and the Business Improvement District for coming together for this great community initiative."
The BlockRite Program (of the The Artivist Corp.)
April 2023State Representative Ismail "Izzy" Smith-Wade-El, serving the 49th District, nominated The BlockRite Program (of the The Artivist Corp.) for the Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Community Pride Award in recognition of their many efforts to clean up neighborhoods around the city as well as mentoring youth and fostering artistic expression and emotional literacy.
"I am so proud to have residents, like Dominque Jordan, who see the potential that Lancaster and its youth have and actively work to make the city an even better place," said Smith-Wade-El. "This group educates their community on environmental issues that affect our planet and promotes conservation and sustainability."
Read the PA House press release
Pictured from left: Terian Mack, local artist instrumental to the BlockRite Program, Rep. Ismail "Izzy" Smith-Wade-El, Keep PA Beautiful Board Chair Phoebe Coles and Sir Dominique Jordan, founder of The Artivist Corp.
Oxford Borough, Chester County
December 2022State Senator Carolyn Comitta, serving the 19th District, nominated Oxford Borough for the Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Community Pride Award in recognition of their many efforts to beautify Oxford Borough and engage local residents in community improvement and stewardship activities such as cleanups, planting native gardens and installing riparian buffers. One of Oxford Borough’s many efforts include installing a native plant garden, complete with an educational component for visitors to learn more about the garden and plants native to the area. The Borough partnered with Penn State Master Watershed Stewards and Master Gardeners and members of the Oxford Region Environmental Advisory Council to plan and complete the project.
"I am so grateful to Senator Comitta for nominating us and for the work of the Oxford Regional Area Environmental Advisory Council (EAC)," said Oxford Borough Council President Kathryn Cloyd. "We were thrilled to have our work, which is a labor of love, recognized by the bestowal of this award. And none of this would have been possible without our public works staff and the many volunteers who came out to support and work on our gardens even in inclement weather."
Watch the video of the award presentation
Pictured from left: Oxford Mainstreet Inc. Main Street Manager Jenna Mayer, Oxford Borough Council President Kathryn Cloyd, PA Senator Carolyn Comitta, Oxford Mainstreet Inc. Executive Director Brian Dix
Penbrook Revitalization
November 2021Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful thanks DEP Secretary, Patrick McDonnell; PennDOT Secretary, Yassmin Gramian and Borough Officials for joining us in recognizing Penbrook Revitalization with the KPB Community Pride Award. Penbrook Revitalization participated in the KPB inaugural 2011 Fresh Paint Days Pennsylvania program, adopted Elm Street, and partnered with the Penbrook Leo Club, to adopt the section of the Capital Area Greenbelt from Market Street to Paxtang Line. They also participate in PICK UP PENNSYLVANIA annually and just this year alone held five events, including a storm drain and litter removal project. These events properly disposed of 1,000 pounds of litter and debris, preventing it from entering our oceans, via the Susquehanna River and Chesapeake Bay.
These community improvement projects have provided residents with a healthier place to live, kids with a safer place to play and increased the well-being of all those who are part of the fabric of the community.
Pictured from left: PennDOT Secretary, Yassmin Gramian; PA DEP Secretary, Patrick McDonnell; KPB Board Member and Chief of Staff at City of York, Collin Holder; Carmen Gonzales and volunteers from Penbrook Revitalization Inc.
Tim Arnold
May 2021The Community Pride Award was presented to Tim Arnold, Richland Township Supervisor, on May 10, 2021. Arnold was nominated by State Representative Craig Staats for his work to address and clean up litter in the 145th legislative district located in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Arnold and the Richland Township Water Authority have organized the "Richland Township Road Cleanup Day" for approximately 15 years, removing close to a ton of trash from the regions roadsides each year. Volunteers have also removed over 100 tires over the years. Arnold provides lunch for those that participate.
Pictured from left: Morgan Schuster, Bucks County Conservation District and Keep Bucks County Beautiful representative, Tim Arnold, Richland Township Supervisor and State Representative Craig Staats.
Faith Milazzo
August 2020Faith was nominated by State Representative Tony DeLuca for her work to address and clean up litter in the 32nd legislative district, including the Penn Hills area, Verona and Blackridge. Milazzo created the Penn Hills Anti-Litter Group with Christine DeCarolis in 2017 and together they organized 30 volunteers to participate in the 2019 Pittsburgh Garbage Olympics. The group collected 85 bags of trash and won the award for most team spirit!
Pictured from left: PA State Representative Tony DeLuca; Faith Milazzo, Community Pride Award Recipient; Shannon Reiter, President of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful and Myrna Newman, Executive Director of Allegheny CleanWays.