Rep. Rob Mercuri Presents Allegheny County Resident Lynn Appman With Keep PA Beautiful Community Pride Award

(PA Environmental Digest) On December 5, Rep. Rob Mercuri (R-Allegheny) nominated Lynn Appman for the Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Community Pride Award in recognition of her efforts with the McCandless ‘Litter Getters’ and coordinating roadside cleanups through the Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Pick Up Pennsylvania program.
“It was a pleasure to present a House of Representatives citation to Lynn Appman for her work with the McCandless ‘Litter Getters’. Lynn helps organize two community clean up days each year. She also advocates for better state policies regarding litter reduction and making our state look more beautiful. Her commitment to environmental stewardship is second to none.” said Rep. Mercuri.
Appman is passionate about keeping Pennsylvania beautiful and dedicates her free time to encourage others to join her cause. Rep. Mercuri presented Appman with the award and citation at a recent ceremony at the District office.
“Thank you, Rep. Mercuri, for this award. I am humbled and honored to receive it. We can all make a big difference keeping Pennsylvania Beautiful. I always carry a bag with me to pick up litter on walks and help educate people about the negative effects of litter. Get others involved by organizing cleanups in your community. It takes all of us to keep our state clean,” said Appman.
“Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful congratulates and commends Lynn for her efforts to keep Allegheny County clean and beautiful. I am delighted to recognize Lynn for her work with the McCandless Litter Getters and for her advocacy for a clean and beautiful Pennsylvania. Thank you for keeping our shared public spaces clean, safe and beautiful,” said Shannon Reiter, President of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful.