Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Catches Shapiro Administration’s Eye At Annual Award Show

( One young group of Pennsylvanians was recently recognized by the Shapiro Administration for their stewardship in keeping the Commonwealth beautiful.
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful’s Young Ambassadors program was recently awarded the Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence at an annual showcase of different organizations’ efforts to help the Commonwealth’s environment.
Offered in partnership with PennDOT, the Young Ambassadors of PA allows high school students to work with state agencies and leaders to help keep Pennsylvania beautiful and promote leadership and problem-solving skills while getting ready to make a difference in the community.
Awards for Environmental Excellence are given out every year to any business, farm, government agency, educational institute, non-profit or individual for their creation or contributions to a project promoting environmental service.
Over the course of the year, young ambassadors were required to attend six mandatory virtual education sessions, conduct a community assessment and organize a cleanup and an education event.
“We are honored to accept the Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence in recognition of our Young Ambassadors program. Working with the youth of Pennsylvania through our program has been satisfying and enlightening. Each student brings their own experiences and aspirations that have helped shape the program over the past three years. We know the students of today hold the key to a sustainable future and we’re excited to be able to provide guidance for the next generation to implement change in their communities and the Commonwealth.” said Shannon Reiter, president of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful.
Natasha Fackler, Infrastructure Implementation Coordinator, PA Department of Transportation and KPB Board Member, Kylie McCutcheon, Young Ambassador Coordinator, KPB, Brady MacNamara, 2023 Young Ambassador Program graduate, Shannon Reiter, President, KPB, Andrew Tubbs, VP of External and Customer Affairs, Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania and Maryland and KPB Board Member attended the awards recognition dinner.