Do you know of an illegal dump and/or graffiti site?

Documenting illegal dump and graffiti sites throughout Pennsylvania is a critical step in educating people about these problems on our lands and waters, and ultimately in helping to restore the natural beauty of our state. If you know the location of any illegal dump and/or graffiti sites, please help by completing the information below and submitting to Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful who will share with the appropriate agency.

While we are not an enforcement agency and don’t directly cleanup sites, we do have the Pick Up Pennsylvania community improvement program and numerous affiliates and partners throughout the state who may be able to assist.

We welcome and appreciate all reports, however the online form encourages reporting concentrated dump sites. Littering, while no less harmful to our state, is difficult to enforce after the fact. We’re not able to write tickets ourselves, but if you obtained the details to identify the person littering, that information should be given to a local enforcement agency in your area.

Please complete a separate form for each site. If you have photos of the site you are reporting, you can upload them at the end or email to Rob Dubas. Please reference the county and township in the email to ensure we match the correct report with the photos. Thank you for your help in beautifying our state!

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Is this dump and/or graffiti site located on:(Required)
Please provide as much identifying information as possible; use route numbers/names, names of state park/forest, game land number, trail name, landmarks, etc.
Is the dumpsite near a waterway?:(Required)
Is there illegal dumping at the site?(Required)
Check as many types of trash as applicable.
Is there graffiti at the site?(Required)
(An estimate is fine. Examples: 1 trash bag ~20 lbs, 1 cubic yard ~500 lbs, 1 ton= 2000 lbs, 1 ton ~115 car tires w/o rims, 10 cubic yard dumpster ~1.5 tons, 1/2 ton pickup truck holds ~50 bags)
To see if there is any relation to an increase in dumping, we are tracking changes such as elimination of bulk item pick-up, changes in local regulations, elimination of recyclable items, etc. If any of these are known, please describe below.

Please fill out the following contact information if you would like to be contacted regarding this site if necessary by authorities or a KPB local affiliate.

Do you want to remain anonymous?
Check this box if you do not want your contact information shared with local authorities or a KPB local affiliate. Unless checked, your contact information may be shared with authorities and local affiliates to assist them with their investigation of the site(s).
Check here if you are interested in volunteering for cleanup events in your area.
We will share your contact info with our local affiliate, cleanup group, or partners.
Check here if you would like to receive our mailings.
By uploading photos, you are accepting the following: "I authorize Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, its assigns and transferees to copyright, use and publish the uploaded photos in print and/or electronically. I agree that Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful may use such photographs (of me or of all participants) with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, social media and web content to advance the mission of the organization."
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, jpe, gif, png, tiff, tif, pdf, Max. file size: 128 MB.