Bethel Park Student Wins Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Award

Courtesy of Amy Buchanan
(Trib Live) George Washington Elementary School student Nora Buchanan won first place among third graders in the statewide Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful’s Litter Hawk Youth Award Program.
The poster she made for the contest features people picking up trash, with the declaration: “We must all pitch in … open your eyes to litter.”
Nora attended the awards ceremony in Harrisburg, joining more than 50 people who celebrated the winners’ efforts, including Shannon Reiter, president of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, and Ramez Ziadeh, Department of Environmental Protection acting executive deputy secretary for programs.
“It’s been so rewarding to see the thoughtful and inspiring messages reflected in the hundreds of Litter Hawk entries,” Reiter said. “Each project is unique, reflecting the students’ own experiences, values and concerns. The nearly 1,000 entries are a clear indication that our youth are insisting on a cleaner, safer and more beautiful Pennsylvania.”