Pick Up Pennsylvania, Creating Clean and Beautiful Communities
(Pennsylvania Recreation & Park Society (PRPS)) Hi! I’m Michelle Dunn and I have been the Program Coordinator for Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful’s Pick Up Pennsylvania program for more than 20 years. In that time, I’ve experienced joy and satisfaction from working with others to help them realize their goals of cleaner, more beautiful shared public spaces. Through our Pick Up Pennsylvania community improvement program, Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful has empowered 2.8 million Pennsylvanians by providing tools, resources and technical assistance to help them clean their favorite trail, park, road or waterway, plant 448,995 trees, flowers and other greens, paint murals and park benches and so much more.
The most gratifying part of my job is seeing the progress individuals and organizations have made over the years. In 1992, long before my work began with Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, French Creek Valley Conservancy had their inaugural cleanup when a small group of volunteers joined forces to clean a small section of French Creek. Thirty years later, they are still going strong! Hundreds of volunteers turn out annually to help clean miles of French Creek, its tributaries, lakes, waterways and conserved land.
Litter impacts our quality of life, the natural environment and economic development in communities all across Pennsylvania. According to our Pennsylvania Litter Research Study (2020), there are over 500 million pieces of litter on our roadways.
The success of Pennsylvania’s fight against litter depends on everyone doing their part. I look forward to supporting you – friends, family, local businesses, groups large and small – to clean up vacant lots, streets and riverbanks, plant gardens and trees or mulch a local playground.
You probably know a spot in your neighborhood, maybe it’s along your favorite trail, in your downtown area or your local shopping spot where it might not be as clean and beautiful as you would like it to be. Or maybe it’s a park that just needs a little fresh paint to bring it back to life. We know that well cared for communities are thriving communities and when we all work together we can make a positive change for our neighborhoods and the environment. Each year, tens of thousands of Pennsylvanians participate in our signature program, Pick up Pennsylvania, you can too!
To host an event, join an event near you or to inquire about free trash bags, gloves and safety vest, as supplies last, and trash disposal, visit our website, calendar of events or contact me at 724.836.4121 ext. 113 or mdunn@keeppabeautiful.org.