Keep PA Beautiful Welcomes New Local Affiliate – Keep Monroe County Beautiful!
(PA Environmental Digest Newsletter) Keep Monroe County Beautiful has officially become a county affiliate of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful. The affiliate will operate as a program of the Monroe County Municipal Waste Management Authority.
To achieve this milestone, Keep Monroe County Beautiful successfully completed Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful’s comprehensive Community Assessment.
This vital process gathered crucial data across six key areas: residents’ attitudes towards litter and community image, existing litter prevention programs, community and beautification leaders, current waste and recycling policies, past and ongoing community revitalization efforts, and active volunteer groups.
The insights gained will be instrumental in shaping a local plan aimed at transforming attitudes and behaviors around litter, recycling, beautification, and related issues.
With this initiative, the Waste Authority has established the Litter & Solid Waste Advisory Committee. This committee will leverage local resources and leadership to implement programs and activities efficiently and cost-effectively.
By aligning with the overarching goals and objectives of the organization, the committee will translate these into actionable programs that address the specific needs and priorities of the community.
The Waste Authority works closely with public, private and civic partners to support litter prevention and abatement through infrastructure, educational programs and community cleanups.