Pennsylvania Littering and Illegal Dumping Enforcement Agencies

Although there are many enforcement options, start first at the local level. Your local officials should be familiar with properties and residents in their area, and should be able to respond quickly. The below agencies may be good places to try. You can also help our efforts in documenting dumpsites across the state.

  • Local Police
  • Municipal Code Enforcement
  • County Code Enforcement
  • County Solid Waste Authority
  • County Health Department

Municipal Contact Resources

County Contact Resources

State-wide Agencies

If local agencies do not exist or if their response is unsatisfactory, there are other options. Below is a list of Pennsylvania’s littering and illegal dumping laws and enforcement agencies.

State Agency Will Respond If: Contact
PA State Police (PSP)Enforces Pennsylvania’s Crime and Vehicle Codes and educates citizens all across Pennsylvania. The area is not covered by a local police department; litter and illegal dumping occurs on public land, such as a state road right-of-way; and litter and illegal dumping occurs on private land, and the complainant owns that land which is not covered by a local police department. Contact closest State Police Station.
Department Headquarters:
1800 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110
PSP Station Directory
PA Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP)(Bureau of Waste Management, Bureau of Water Quality)Enforces and permits the Solid Waste Management Act, Waste Tire Recycling Act, Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act, and the Clean Streams Law Act among other regulations and educates citizens.  Generally investigates larger dumpsites but may also work with other local authorities or agencies depending on situation. Contact appropriate regional office.
Rachel Carson State Office Building
400 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17105
Report a Complaint
DEP regional offices
PA Fish and Boat Commission (PA F&BC)Enforces fishing and boating regulations, educates citizens, manages fish hatcheries, and enhances and preserves the state’s aquatic environment. The trash lies in or near surface waters, on commission-owned boat launches, or on commission-owned properties. Contact appropriate regional office.
1601 Elmerton Avenue
P.O. Box 67000
Harrisburg, PA 17106-7000
F&BC Regional Offices
PA Game Commission (PA GC)Enforces hunting, trapping, and wildlife regulations, promotes wildlife, hunter/trapper, and environmental education, manages wildlife, and conducts research.  Litter and illegal dumping occurs on State Game Lands and on private property that is open to hunting and fur taking. Contact appropriate regional office.
2001 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110-9797
Regional offices
PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR)(Bureau of State ParksBureau of Forestry) Maintains Pennsylvania’s State Parks and State Forests, enforces State Parks and State Forests Rules and Regulations, develops community conservation partnerships, provides environmental education and outreach, and provides information on the state’s ecological and natural resources.  Litter and illegal dumping impacts State Parks and State Forests. Contact appropriate State Park Office or State Forest District Office.
Rachel Carson State Office Building
P.O. Box 8767
400 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8767
DCNR Contacts
PA Office of Attorney General (OAG), Environmental Crimes Section investigates and prosecutes violations of state environmental laws governing the processing, transportation, storage, or disposal of municipal, residual and hazardous waste. Often cases begin with violations of the Solid Waste Management Act, Clean Streams Law, Air Pollution Control Act, Radiation Protection Act or Oil & Gas Act The OAG cannot start investigations but can become involved with criminal referrals from local district attorneys or appropriate state agencies like the PA DEP. PA Office of Attorney General
16th Floor, Strawberry Square
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Criminal Law Division Overview
OAG Regional Offices