Program Aims To Reduce Cigarette Litter At Rest Stops
(The Bradford Era) Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful will continue its partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation to implement the Cigarette Litter Prevention Program (CLPP) at rest stops across the state with a $20,000 grant from Keep America Beautiful.
The CLPP program begins with a scan, or physical count, of cigarette butts and other tobacco related products in a designated area. Ash receptacles are then installed at transition points of entry, like entrances to public buildings. Two additional scans are performed, one midway through the year and a final count at the end of the program. The effectiveness of the program will be measured by comparing a pre and post program scan of physical count of cigarette butts and other tobacco products. The grant award includes funding for portable, or pocket ashtrays, to distribute to residents. Awardees agree to encourage the enforcement of litter laws, which includes cigarette litter, and include an education component about the consequences of cigarette and other tobacco related litter.
“We hope to raise awareness to travelers about the issue of proper cigarette butt disposal with messaging and marketing campaigns and placing ash receptacles at entrances to rest stop buildings. Last year, we worked with PennDOT to implement the program at 14 state welcome centers. We’re honored to continue this relationship to provide a place for travelers to dispose of their cigarette butts and other tobacco products,” said Shannon Reiter, president of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful.